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Giftapalooza 2020

What is Giftapalooza? 

Giftapalooza is our annual tradition of sharing the knitterly love.

Give a gift. Get a gift.

Sign up for the gift you wish to receive, throw your name in the hat and let us do the rest. You’ll be matched with 2 “partners” (one you will “send” to and one who will “send” to you), and in December, the season of stress and insanity, you’ll receive your chosen gift from your partner. Exactly the gift you want. But with a small element of surprise.

See? It’s not buying more yarn for YOU. It’s someone else buying it as a GIFT TO you. And in return, you are “sending” a gift to yet another person.

Order as much of each base as you like, choosing to have all skeins (in one base) in the same colour, or in different colours. Whatever you order is what your exchange partner will send to you.

In Giftapalooza tradition, all colourways will be one-of-a-kind, non-repeatable colours. You will have some control over colour choices, but leave the rest to us and the dye pot magic.

What yarns?

Chameleon Sock-(63% extrafine merino/20% cashmere/17% silk), 365 m/400 yds  per 100 g skein

MerGoat Sock-(80% sw merino/10% cashmere/10% nylon), 365 m/400 yds per 115 g skein

Wingenhooven Sock-(60% sw merino/20% yak/20% mulberry silk), 365 m/400 yds per 100 g

Chaingeling-(50% linen/50% mulberry silk), 219 m/240 yds per 100 g skein

As Kate has declared 2020 the Year of the Personal Blanket, we have assembled yarn kits to accompany our new book, Custom Shawls for the Curious and Creative Knitter


Arc Nemesis





And of course you can order a signed copy of Custom Shawls for the Curious and Creative Knitter to add to your package.

Want to add some surprise fun to your package? Add some SWAG to your order. This year, we have teamed up with a local company to produce a custom SWAG item just for Giftapalooza. We believe in supporting our local community and this swag item is 100% Haliburton created and produced. It's a mystery item, but we can tell you that it would be great whether you live alone, with a partner, or with extended family.

Giftapalooza is not about the yarn.

That’s right. We said it.

Never has been…never will be.

Giftapalooza is about this amazing community of knitters and crocheters and other yarn artists. It’s about sharing friendship, joy and comfort with others.

So this is what we do -- 

After sign-ups have closed, if you opt in, we’ll be pairing you with two other Giftapaloozers to encourage one of our favourite things about Indigodragonfly fans: community.

If you wish, send your downstream partner a holiday greeting of some kind. This can be as simple as a 2 sentence note, a photograph or favourite recipe. It can be as complicated as getting your toddler to put to paper his/her interpretation of the latest Star Wars epic or a portrait of your latest WIP. (No one is expected to spend money on this part…something simple from the heart, reaching out to another knitter at a stressful time of year is what we hope happens)

And a different person will be sending goodies to you. Spreading the love upstream and downstream, and connecting you with 2 other knitters. Please do take the time to do this small piece. I have it on very good authority that the 4 or 5 words you send off to your partner will carry them and support them for a very long time.

Surprise Nomination Packages — give to a friend or a stranger… 

(AKA “make Kim cry constantly for a month”)

Finally, the tradition we’ve come to love the most. We will also be taking nominations for “sooper sekrit anonymous surprise packages” to be sent to people who deserve a little extra something this year.

Know someone who could use a little extra love this year? Nominate them by emailing us at, subject line: Giftapalooza Nominee and tell us about them (why we should pick them, full name, mailing address, and favourite colour (s)). We will let you know if your nominee has been chosen. (Please note, Indigodragonfly staff and volunteers are not eligible for nominations. If there is a sheep beside their name in our Ravelry forum, they are disqualified. For very good reasons. If someone received a gift package in the past 3 years, they are also not eligible)

Want to spread even more love by sending a package to someone specific? We will have a listing for sending donation packages as well. Choose the recipient or tell us to send to someone on our nomination list. Please order donation packages separately from your other items as they have different shipping costs.

Sign ups start: Oct. 15 at 2 pm Eastern 

Sign ups end: Nov. 2 at 11:59 pm Eastern (or when all spaces are filled)

Partner assignments and package shipments start in mid-late November.